Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ode to Coffee

I noticed something at Youth Camp this year. Teens, and lots of them, are turning into coffee drinkers.

When I was younger, drinking coffee was not cool, and only the old fogeys drank it. Now, thanks to Starbucks, coffee is cool for the younger set.

During breakfast at CFYC, the cooks could not keep up with the demand for the stuff. The kids were drinking more than the adults were.

To be fair, the kids were filling the cup about half full of coffee, and the rest with flavored creamer and sugar.

Which, by the way, is how I prefer mine. That's right, I am now a coffee drinker. And that is truly my wife's fault. See, I never used to be able to even stand the SMELL of the stuff, let alone putting it to my lips.

And then, after we were married, my wife would occasionally get a Cafe Vanilla Frap at Barstucks. And, I would take a sip now and then just to be able to tell her how bad it tasted.

As Paul Harvey would say, you know the rest of the story. After a while, it did not taste so bad.

I started ordering my own Frap. And I have tweaked it to make it even better. Venti Cafe Vanilla Frap, with an extra scoop of vanilla, and add carmel to the frap itself. YuMmY!!!

And then, two weeks ago, David Fulton was our guest for a week as he was the evangelist at the Adams County Camp. Of course, we made coffee for him. And, I hated to see all that "expensive" coffee go to waste. So, within two weeks, I became hooked.

The fella that always said the stuff even smelled awful, is now a two-cup-a-day coffee junkie.

Thanks, David Fulton.


Jody J said...
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Jody J said...

Wow, that's unbelievable! Travis hasn't converted me yet.

Sorry, I deleted my last post because of a typo that would drive you crazy! :)

Brandon Miller said...

This is so true. I noticed this as well. This statment is coming from me the one sitting in your living room drinking coffee right now. LOL

Karen Walden said...

No coffee drinkers in this household! Don't care for the smells either! Big time pop drinkers though and I love my sweet tea!!
If you ever come spend the night here, better bring your coffee maker or we have a Starbucks very close by us!

Angie D said...

God bless you, Brother Myers! You are indeed a godly man. Now pass the coffee--I just spent a week in Columbus and those people can NOT make a decent brew It's going to take me two or three pots of freshly ground "Jamaican Blue Mountain" to return to normal...

Julie Waggoner said...

I'm hoping those kids who love starbucks have really good careers to support their habbit!hehe!

Ashley said...

Ya gotta love mi poppy!!! lol and yeah, i think i saw you about 12 times w/a starbucks cup in ur hand! was usually almost empty! lol :-P

Leah said...

John, aren't you a little old to keep blaming David Fulton for stuff? I mean really! Accept responsibility for yourself!!! :)) That was a big laugh by the way!!!!! I HATE coffee and probably always will!!

Angie D said...

Who cares who started it?! The Quakers have coffee! (Where do I join...?)