Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Snopes. It's a good thing.

Ever heard of it?

Snopes is an urban legends reference encyclopedia. They verify or prove false most urban legends.

"Yeah, great, so what does this have to do with me?" you may ask.

Glad you asked.

Ever send forwards on to all 387 of your nearest and dearest friends and relatives? Ever wonder if those forwards were true, or did you just take them at face value?

That is where Snopes comes in. Save that address in your favorites, and check out that newest Citgo boycott before you send it on.

Forwards are a big pet peeve of mine. Mainly because only about 1 in every 1000 actually turn out to be true. Ever get the one about Dr Dobson pleading with people to call the FCC to tell Madalyn Murray O'Hair that we Christians will NOT STAND for her trying to take the word "God" off of Touched By and Angel?

Yeah, so did Dr Dobson. And so did the FCC. So much so that Dobson had to go on his national radio show and tell people that there was no truth to it. And please stop using his name to make it sound valid!

See, the idiots that sent those e-mails on forgot a few things. Number one, Touched by an Angel was no longer in production. The show was canceled when the star, Della Reese, quit.

Number two, there is this little thing call the First Amendment that would prohibit this from happening in the first place.

Number three, and maybe most importantly, Madelyn Murray O'Hair is pushing up daisies. That's right, she's DEAD. The authorities found her bones out in the desert some where a few years back. With forensics, they proved the bones were hers.

And, still, even recently, I get those silly e-mails, and scratch my head.

We make us Christians look really silly when we do these things.

Snopes. Snopes. It really is a good thing.

In the words of my political hero, Ronald Wilson Reagan, "Trust, but verify."


Jerry Cooper said...


Brent Waggoner said...

I love Snopes. It should be built right into every email program.

John Myers said...

One other thing that annoys me about some of my friends is that the ONLY thing they send to me is forwards. Nothing like taking the time to send me something personal!

Forwards are too easy to send on. There should be a 12 step program you have to go through to be able to forward something.

Jerry Cooper said...

Then the person that sends all the forwards gets mad because you do not reply to them.

Brent Waggoner said...

Forwards are too easy to send on. There should be a 12 step program you have to go through to be able to forward something.
