Monday, June 23, 2008

I Love Our New Washer and Dryer!

Strange way to start a post, right?

We finally got home from youth camp last night (Sunday). Wow, I am tired.

We were at youth camp for 5 days. Well, I was. Monica and Janae left on Thursday for Zanesville for Monica's cousin's wedding. I stayed until YC was over, then left for Zanesville, otherwise known as the armpit of Ohio.

I left YC at 10 minutes after 10:00 Friday evening. My friends Don Bates and Dan Plemmons kept me awake via cell phone for most of the trip. (Thanks!) I arrived in Zville at 10 minutes till two (AM).

Wedding festivities for me started at 11:00 am and lasted until 8:30 pm. Tired, tired, tired.

Then Sunday, Monica had to work, so I drove all Sunday afternoon to get Monica close to Muncie, where she is an RN at Ball Hospital.

We stopped at the CYM Campgrounds, she went on to work in the car, and Janae and I drove Dad's motor home to our house.

And, this morning, I have unloaded all of the laundry from the week.

How many loads do you think we have?

Well, with our old washer and dryer, it would be at least 9 loads. At least.

Last fall, our old washer blew up, so we splurged and bought the best set made. It is a Whirlpool Duet front loading system.

Total loads from YC?

3. Three. Trey. Just 3 loads.

They tell you in the manual for the washer that you get the best results when you fill the washer almost to capacity. Each load in the new washer is about 3 in the old washer. And, even at that, you use less than half the detergent that you would have used in the old washer.

Now, someone reading this is asking, "John does the laundry?" Yes, I do. Almost all of it. I am very OCD about how it gets done, so I do it.

I love our new washer and dryer.


Jody J said...

Hey, we have that washer and dryer too. Love, love, love it. I'm OCD about laundry too. Travis has done it a few times, but I'd rather he do the dishes. :)

Karen Walden said...

I can't believe you are OCD about your laundry after seeing you walking around carrying your pants on a hanger bent in half! HA! :)

Do you hang it all up right away and fold it nicely?! If so...come on down!!!!!!!!!

We have the Maytag front loading washer/dryer and love it as well! Great for washing for a family of 5!!!

Julie Waggoner said...

I'm with you! We got the same one(so did, my mom, and jody all on the same day--sale)2 years ago and I sing it's praises daily!!!! I went from doing laundry six days a week to doing it 2 days a week! Even with 6 of us I usually only do maybe 5 or 6 loads a week! I really think I should sell the crazy things!

Julie Waggoner said...

P.S. I hate to say it but I am really shocked that you care enough about laundry to do it! That's something Jeff has never done. He was sooooo happy to have matched socks when we got married.

John Myers said...

Julie, I cannot picture any of the Waggoner men in the laundry room. :)

I really do most of the laundry, and, Karen, I even fold most of it. Yes, I really do!

Julie Waggoner said...

OK John--here's the real kicker----Do you put the clothes away? I don't mind laundry but hate putting it away!

John Myers said...

Julie, I fold and put away everything but my wife's and daughter's clothes. All the linens, towels, and my clothes I normally do those.