Thursday, June 12, 2008

Trying to Get to Camp

As reported earlier, we are in the middle of Adams County Holiness Camp. It was to start Monday night, but...

Monday evening, at about 5:40, we left to get to camp. As we were getting into the car, a storm was rolling in from the southwest. Nothing to worry about, I thought, so we quickly left to "beat the storm."

We had gotten about 4 miles down the road, when all of a sudden, the storm hit. With a vengeance. I thought we were in the middle of a tornado, something with which I have had too much experience. A semi headed the other way was leaning mightily, and the back end of the trailer was skidding off the road.

We turned left onto US 27, and the storm got stronger. Much stronger. A motorcycle was blown off the road, and crashed. I stopped to try to help, but could not back up to get to him for fear of someone rear ending us.

I called 911 (What's the number for 911!?!?!??) and reported the crash. We got disconnected. So I hung up. I had to immediately call back because some very large power line poles were snapping off at the ground, and were dangling by the wires over our heads.

We decided to try a country road to get away from the power lines, but had to turn back due to a tree that had fallen across the road.

Mom called to say that their road, our only other way to try to get to camp on time, was blocked in three spots by trees. One of those trees was a pine tree in my parents front yard that was blocking the road.

I decided to drive to mom and dad's, knowing my mother can, well, exaggerate the story at times. Not this time. She was right.

As we came to my parents house, we saw that the wind had pushed a 2 ton fertilizer spreader from behind my dad's barn clear out into the road.

My parents had 6 trees either totally gone or severely damaged.

In the midst of all of this, Tim Cole, our song evangelist, called from the campground, saying that the storm was hitting there, and as they were surrounded by tall trees, they were leaving!

So, I called everyone I could think of, and we cancelled the first night of camp.

David Fulton, myself, my older brother Tim, my dad, my uncle David, Brandon Miller, and one of dad's neighbors then spent the next two and a half hours cleaning up tree branches, and cutting up fallen logs, and raking, and... well, you get the picture.

And, no one got hurt.

Ain't God good?


Debbie (Stalker) Fike said...

I am so relieved no harm was done to anyone there! It sounds very scary! Thank God for His protection to you all. :)

Leah said...

I am so glad that all turned out well! Guess you are actually making Dave work for his pay huh?!?! :))

Anonymous said...

Oh John, I have to tell you a story about Adams County Camp.

As I said in an earlier comment, it was the second camp we went to after going on the road as a summer touring group @ GBS, and for some reason, we were inundated with flies!!! . . .

Well, it was Craig Brown, myself, Tim LeBaron, Scott Butler, & Kevin Moser, and as Craig Brown was singing a solo, 3 FLIES ATTACKED HIM! HEHEHEHE One went in his nostril, one went in his ear, and one in his mouth. . . ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!

Just recalling that experience makes me crack up. We really should right a book of our experiences on the road, John!!

(Please don't ask about the prank we pulled at the Pell City Bible Methodist Camp!!!) LOL!!!

John Myers said...

Ok, Dan, I'm asking.

What prank did y'all pull @ Pell City?!?!?!?

John Myers said...

Leah, I gave your hubby the option of staying home while we went and cleaned up that mess. But, he very politely refused to stay home, and was a great help.

He also had (and continues to have) a lot of fun at Brandon Miller's expense!

(Sort of gives me a break from being the butt of most of his jokes!)

Anonymous said...

OK John:
It was at the Pell City BM Youth Camp. We had somehow come into possession of some M-80 firecrackers, which as you know are illegal! Well, we set them off late at night, and to say it made a big bang would be a major UNDER statement!!!

We hurriedly went back to our sleeping quarters, and no one suspected that it was those nice GBS quartet boys that did it!!!

Well, the next morning in the service, we had just finished singing, and were seated on the FRONT ROW, and Bro. Agan got up and just royally gave those kids a talking to!!! . . . all the time not even knowing that the culprits were sitting on the front row acting like pious saints!!!!!!!

John Myers said...

LOL. I am assuming that you never confessed. Right?

Anonymous said...

Right! :-)))

Leah said...

Nope - never confessed! Just doing on the WORLD WIDE WEB!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure that Brandon is thrilled with Dave's "jokes"! I guess so you won't feel left out John, its a great thing he will be at Yearly Meeting some, huh?!?!

John Myers said...

What?!?!?! David is going to be at Camp!?!?!??


Karen Walden said...

WOW! That sounds very scary. Glad you all weren't hurt... Sounds like a tornado definitely went right through where your parents live.
Hasn't the weather been very scary lately???
I think God is saying "Wake up America!!!" :)

schoolarn said...

I guess this answers my questions about whether you have been experiencing any of the bad weather that has been moving across the area. We are so glad God kept your family safe. I love the blogspot. It's like a blast from the past. ;)