Sunday, June 1, 2008

I Find Myself in a Unique Position

That position being that I find myself pulling for Hillary Clinton. Oh, not to win the national election, of course.

But, oh, how I want her to win over Obama.

Why? Because that man scares me as no other candidate has. Ever.

His association with the radical fringes of the left, his pastor, his "church," his wife, and, you get the picture.

I would not want Hillary to be Pres. But, if it were to come down to a choice between Hillary and Barack, I would take the known quantity of Clinton over the unknown specter of Obama any day of the week.

Guilt by association? You bet. You will never convince me that Obama does not hold to the same ideology as his pastor and "church."

1 comment:

Jon Plank said...

my thoughts, exactly...