Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Curse of the Singing News Article

I love the Singing News. I read it cover to cover. And I have noticed something.

If you read the SN, have you ever noticed how often a group being written about will make some sort of comment like this:

"We (the members of any given group) are all on the same page." Or, "This group will be together for a long time." Or, as two members of Greater Vision recently said, "We are here until we retire."

And, invariably, within a year, someone leaves the group.

15 years ago, the members of Palmetto State Quartet were Jack Pittman, Jack Bagwell, Harold Gilley, Brion Carter, and Woody Beatty.

And, they were all interviewed for the SN, and were telling how they were going to be together for many years to come.

6 months later, 3 members had departed.

3 years ago, again PSQ, newer members, same story in the SN. "We have gelled, we will be together for a long time." A year later, all members but one had departed, and they had "reorganized."

2 years ago, Dixie Melody Boys were written about. they too talked about being on the "same page," and how they were all so happy to be together. Today, all three of the members that were travelling with Ed have departed.

And now, less than a year after saying that he was going to be with Greater Vision "until I retire," Jason is departing the group.

So, what do we gather from this? Are you doomed if you let the SN write about you? Are the groups lying when they say these things?

Does anybody really care????


Anonymous said...

First of all John, welcome to the blogging world. Second, that's a very interesting article. I think part of the fact is that these people feel like they are in "the center of God's will" at that moment. God's will for people does change. They probably make statements like that to solidify unity within the group but then only a few months later, as they leave, have serious egg on their faces. God works in mysterious and sometimes "mischievous" ways.

Jonathan Walden said...

Agree with teenrev.

At the moment, all is doing good, the group is probably having hits (thus the articles) and enjoying success. Then, the hard times come, and once one member leaves it can throw off the entire unity! Suddenly, the new member is a pain, or it just does not feel the same and others get uneasy and bail out too.
Just wondering if any of your members said they were there for life!!

As for Jason, maybe he is retiring! Have you heard him lately? I think its one thing to leave a group for another (or start your own), and another thing to come off the road!