Sunday, June 1, 2008


I have long been a member of MyHoliness. I have been a very frequent poster in the past. 1500 posts, to be exact.

At one time, I loved the site. Logged in many times a day. Too many.

When the site started, I was under the impression that the site was specifically "for" the CHM. I liked that. I liked having a place to go on the web that I did not need to be constantly defending the CHM. I have had to do that in enough other places.

Things have changed. It seems as if anyone posts any conservative viewpoint, be it theologically or politically, it will be immediately pounced on, torn apart, ridiculed and scorned.

Here is my question:

Why would all of these people that have left, or never been a part of, the CHM, join a CHM website, and then try their best to invalidate all that we believe?

That would not be so much different then me joining a site dedicated to CCM music and telling all that I find wrong with said music. Why would I do that?!?!?!?

Do the aforementioned people think that they are more enlightened than we in the CHM? Do they think we need their vast, infinite wisdom?

What do they think they are going to accomplish?

As it is, they have shot to smithereens any enjoyment I have gotten from being a member there.

Maybe that is what they wanted in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Hey John:

Welcome to the world of blogging! While I don't blog, I am an avid reader of blogs and enjoy being a "Drive-by" blogger.

I well remember asking the question you posed about MH...long before I was a Moderator, and INSTANTLY I was taken to task for daring to ask such a question.

If I recall, my actual question posed was, "Why can't those who have left us, be content to just leave, instead of leaving AND all the while continuing to take 'parting shots' at us?" You can imagine the discussion that ensued by those libs who left the CHM and many of which, were members of MH at the time.

Glad you started blogging!

John Myers said...

Hey, Dan, thanks for reading.

Was it the Conservatives, or the Liberals that took you to task, or was it both?

Anonymous said...

On that particular occasion it was the liberals only, but yes, there have been a few times when the conseratives were involved, but my experience was mainly those who left the CHM, and weren't content to let old hurts die. . . that had to take occasion to rip apart the 'current' CHM that basically had nothing to do with them leaving.

Unknown said...

Hi John,

You asked the question why some of those who left are on MH. I don't know about others, but I can speak for myself. Yes, I left the CHM because of hurts that I don't go into very often. I left because of all the "Cause I said so" reasons we were given for different things without Biblical background. HOWEVER, I do stil have some very dear friends in the CHM who I believe are "true blue." A couple of friends suggested I join, and I did. One reason I joined was hoping to find some CHM people who were NOT like those who hurt me. I was hoping to find some of those who gave good Biblical reasons for why the CHM does things the way it does. To be honest, I found many like that. I am guilty of jumping on the band wagon when I felt there were some who were like the CHM I left. I also found that there were those who were still in the CHM who were NOT like that. I was thankful to find that. I have also renewed my faith in many of the CHM people due to those who were NOT like that. I am still not CHM, but I have learned to love so many more who are.

Please understand I don't mean to be defensive or offensive...just answering your question!!


John Myers said...

Hey, Darlene, thanks for your honest and heartfelt post.

Obviously, your posts (on MH) would not have been the ones I would have had a problem with.

You did not come across as defensive or anything else neagative.

The fact remains that there are some on the forum who are very antagonistic towards the CHM, and I wonder at their motive.


Anonymous said...

You sir are a very critical man. You have cut and hurt many people in your life and your ego falsely leads you on. You cannot take reproof which is a quality a Christian has. You are highly argumenative, which is also not a Christlike charcacteristic. Then again who can tell know it are JOHN MEYERS!

Brent Waggoner said...

Well, to be honest, attacking someone anonymously isn't particularly Christian either, anonymous.

Hey John, glad to see you're still around a little bit. I don't know if I'm one of the people implied in this entry, but I can understand your frustration, honestly. I don't feel it, but I can see where you're coming from.

I enjoy your blog. Keep updating a lot. it gives me something read through out the day. :)


John Myers said...

Wow, Anonymous, I do not know what to say.

If I have hurt you in some way, please contact me. I would love to make amends if I have wronged you.

Anonymous said...

Hey John:
Don't let Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous rattle you.
The way I see it, anyone too chicken to leave their real name, doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

John Myers said...

Thanks, Dan. They didn't rattle me. I will probably never know who it was that posted that, and I am fine with that.

Oh, the joys of being on the web. :)

Karen Walden said...

John...add the sitemeter feature to your blog. You can then click to view the location of who all have visited. It doesn't tell you specifically but gives you a good idea!!! and add it to the side! Maybe you can pinpoint that person who isn't man or woman enough to sign their name the next time!