Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Am a Promise

I thought I might need to post something for the gentler gender amongst us. Here it is:

The other day, for lunch, it was just Janae and I. Monica had worked all night the night before, and she was sleeping. For those of you who do not know, Janae is our three year old.

As I was in the kitchen getting things ready, I heard Janae say, "DADDY!!!!!!"

Well, the latest catastrophe in the life of dear daughter was that she had spilled a small cup of water. When I walked into the dining room, there was water running off the table onto the floor. After one quick look at the mess, my response was, "Oh, Janae....!"

To which she responded, "But, Daddy, it wasn't my fault." I said, "Janae, you were the only one in here, I would say it was your fault."

To which she again responded, "But, but, but DAAAADDDYYYY, I am a promise, I am a possibility, I am a promise, with a capital P..." and she proceeded to sing the rest of the song.

Now, I ask you, what would you have done? Me? I laughed my fool head off. :)


Leah said...

Funny - that girl is EXACTLY what you need!!!! I am sure I would have laughed especially since it wasn't my child!!! However keep in mind that one of these days, her cute replies to "getting out of trouble" won't be cute to you but some of us will still crack up laughing!!!! Basically? - You can't win!!!

Karen Walden said...

Parker always says..."If I promise to tell the truth, will I not get into trouble?" :)

Melissa said...

What can I say my niece is the greatest :)

Jody J said...

Totally hilarious! Glad you shared.
Travis was getting ready to discipline Kendrick the other day and he kissed him. I heard Travis yell from the other room, "He just kissed me! Now what am I supposed to do?" :)