Sunday, June 1, 2008

I Love IHC!!! (But, let's change one little thing...)

Really, I do. No, really, I really do.

I love it. I love the fellowship. I love the atmosphere. I like going to the Spaghetti Factory and not being the odd ball out.

I love the services where God moves in. I want to be in that atmosphere, and I want my family to be there to experience it. I want my daughter to know what that is like.

I even liked the guy who always grabbed the flower pot, and ran with it on his head.

I think that Bro Sankey has done a WONDERFUL job in leading IHC, and I think James Plank is the RIGHT man for the job that he has taken.

The 2008 Convention was one of the best in recent years, maybe even THE best in recent years.

But, (you knew that was coming, right?)

If I could change one thing about the Great Convention, (as a friend of mine calls it, always while imitating Bro Sankey), I would change...

Ready for this?

The Building for Keeps service.

Whoa, I thought Bro Sankey called that the favorite service of the convention?!?!?!

Yep, he did. And, at one time, I would have agreed with him.

So, why don't I like it any more?

Well, as the old saw goes, the old gray mare ain't what she used to be.

It seems that only the most sensational stories, with the most gruesome, horrific details make the Building for Keeps docket these days.

Get divorced, have an affair, get back with your wife? Come tell us about it.

29 family members and the dog got killed all at once? Dog came back to life? You're up next on the platform, come on down!

Killed a guy in a drug fight? (Yes, this one actually has been told @ IHC. More than once.)

See, when it first started, this was not the thrust of the service. I remember hearing Dale Darr talk about adopting Kelly from a South American country. I heard about God keeping families together through the hardest of circumstances. I heard about ways to keep the family together in "these times."

And, they were uplifting, God honoring services.

Well, I may have opened a can of worms. Thoughts?


Karen Walden said...

Hi John and "welcome to our world!" Looks like you are off to a good start with 4 posts on your first day!
I agree, I haven't liked the Building for Keeps service quite as well as I have in the past, but still would have to say it is probably my favorite service. (Although, I always enjoy the last service too. The excitement, mass choir, etc!) However...the one thing I would change at IHC would be to shorten those services!!!!! HA! With 3 small kids, it is a real challenge! Also, maybe have assigned seats!! (After my episode this year! HA!)
Good luck with your new blog. You're do have an opinion for just about everything. I am sure you will get some great "discussions" on here!

Take care!

John Myers said...

I know, I know, 4 posts on my first day. But, man, I have a lot to say.

For the record, I have one more posts saved in my drafts, and have more ideas perculating.

Check back, I will add some pics of Janae.

Jonathan Walden said...

What would I change?
Dayton gets worse every year as a city to the point where I am afraid to find my SUV on blocks when I go to the "secured" garage! I understand it is located in a good central location for its audience, but there are cities with much more to offer! I know some discussion has offered other big cities like Indy, Columbus, or Atlanta, but I bet there are some cities that could accomodate the crowd, have low crime, and capacity for seating and show.

John Myers said...

Jonathan, with this being in your realm of expertise, to where would you relocate the Great Convention?

Jonathan Walden said...

Not ignoring your question, just not sure what my response would be. I think it would take a committee to really dig into the dynamics of many variables. I would suggest keeping it within 100-150 miles of Dayton. Not sure what some of the cities of 100K population would be like. You would have options of Columbus, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and maybe Springfield. The problem you would have with some of these bigger cities is we are too small. Sure we may be able to rent facilities big enough to accommodate, but there would be multiple other functions going on. Not an easy task to change venues I understand. I will keep coming to Dayton, but just concerned with all the gang activities and crime rate. I just pray it does not take "an incident" to get people to thinking about alternatives!