Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm Tired

Wow, here we are, the second Friday night of camp. Time has really flown by this week.

I have been busier than I have ever been at any camp. Ever.

7:30 each morning, my alarm goes off. I shower, shave, brush my teeth, get dressed and am out the door by 8:05. I grab two cups of sugar laced coffee, and then at 8:30, I am off to Ministry and Oversight, the main governing body of our denomination.

This year, someone had the "wisdom" to name me as time chairman for Ministry and Oversight. This means that I have to open the meeting, and have a devotional for the day.

This meeting can last all the way to 10:00 A.M. when our open body business meeting begins. I have to be there for all of the business meeting as I am the sound tech.

This meeting can last until noon, of course at which time we eat lunch.

After lunch, I have had to have several committee meetings, some lasting almost all the way to the afternoon service at 2:30.

Between lunch and supper, we try to have the snack shack open for a good part of the time. Supper is at five, and then the pre service is at 7:00.

As soon as service is over, we run to the snack shack, and cook hot dogs, hamburgers, nachos with cheese, or with chili, or with chili and cheese. And we run through about 3 and a half of the BIG bags of french fries a night.

We normally do not get out of the snack shack until roughly 11:00 or after. Sometimes way after. Waaaayyyyy.

And I drop into bed to do it all over again the next day.

And packed into that I have had no less than about a dozen (Maybe more) committee meetings.

I love camp.


Queen of the Castle said...

makes me a bit "home"sick...also i'm really REALLY jealous you get to see my best friend this weekend & i dont! :-D hope camp has been good! tell everyone hello for me ~ miss ya'll!!!

Leah said...

I must hop back up on my favorite "soapbox" with you and try to figure out why in the world you miss the early morning prayer meetings! The best part of camp and you are sleeping through them!! There is seriously something wrong with this picture!! Truthfully, you actually made me miss camp very, very much!!!

John Myers said...

Ah, yes, Early Morning Prayer Meeting. You cannot be spiritual unless you attend.

For the record, as Leah already knows, I am a migraine sufferer. Only two things will give me a migraine: Pop, which I do not drink. And not enough sleep.

By the last night of camp, at supper, I was having blind spots in front of my eyes, wich is my first indicator that a migraine is coming on.

If I had gotten up at 6 am instead of 7:30, which was the time I did get up every morning, I would have spent several days in bed.

After getting to sleep most nights around 12:30 0r 1:00, 6 am was NOT going to happen.

Of course, I was up late some of those nights so a particular preacher could purchase all of the Diet Mt. Dew he could put down. :)