Sunday, July 6, 2008

Danny Vs. Ernie

For many years, I heard a great debate about who was the better tenor, Ernie Hasse, or Danny Funderburk. As I am sure you know, there was never any doubt for me. Danny is THE tenor. Need proof?

Someone posted this on YouTube.


Aaron Baker said...

You are correct sir. Danny Funderburke was nails with the Cats. BTW, have you seen this video with a much younger Funderburke when he was with the Singing Americans with Ivan Parker. Like George said, "he's got power to burn, and yet Danny can take a song like that and make it sound so sweet and so pretty..." Those days will always be my "Glory Days" of SoGo.

Aaron Baker said...

Sorry, I forgot to include the link.

John Myers said...

Hey, Aaron, thanks for reading my blog.

I have watched that clip of the SA quite a few times. I stumbled onto it a few weeks ago. The clarity of Danny's voice is just amazing. And, that power!

There is not a tenor singing in SG today that comes close.

Julie Waggoner said...

Man I hope Ernie doesn't read your blog!hehe

John Myers said...

Julie, not in a million years would he read my lowly blog.

And, if he did, I am quite sure that it would be something that he has heard before! :)

Karen Walden said...

You don't want to hear my opinion! :)