Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My, How Far We've Come...

First, I would like to be the first to say thanks to Rush Limbaugh. Yes, Rush, your plan backfired. Instead of the known entity of Hillary, as undesirable as that would be, we now have the unknown quantity of Obama. Operation Chaos will go down as a failure. Glad I did not participate.

Second, I will remind everyone that voted for "Change" that you will not like the change that is coming. It is going to stink.

Third, in the how far we've come department, the state of MN is very close to electing Al Stinking Franken as a senator. God help us. I cannot imagine having Obama in the White House and Al Stinking Franken as a senator. Run for the hills, people.

Last, our reformation is complete. The citizenry has found a way to vote for themselves large amounts of $$$$ from the treasury, and from this a person can never be weaned. Give a man a fish, and he will want another fish, and more fish, and then all of the fish. He will never work for the fish.

The fall of the empire is well on it's way to completion.

May God have mercy on us.

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