Friday, September 5, 2008

Janae and Mark

Janae loves Mark Lowry. Monica says it has to have something to do with the fact that Janae identifies with him. I'll leave you to decide what that means. :)

This past Saturday night, Mark was in concert about 45 minutes from here. So, we got tickets, and Monica, Janae, Monica's sister Melissa, Todd, and I went to see Mark. It was worth the price of admissioin to see Janae react when Mark hit the stage.

A few observations:

1. Mark's voice was not at it's best. Towards the end of the program, he was straining just to hit some his "normal" notes. And, on his last song, "Mary, Did You Know?", his voice cracked, big time. He did not even attempt the high notes.

2. He is still very funny. Very.

3. Mark seems to be a pretty nice guy. After the concert was over, he sat down on a stool at the back of the venue, and signed autographs. We were 2nd or 3rd in line, when something out of the ordinary happened. Three people who were obviously mentally disabled spied Mark and made striaght for him. They cut in line on front of roughly 100 people.

I thought, "Hmm, wonder how Mark is going to handle this?"

He treated them like they were the President of the US. Really, he did. I was immpressed.

4. Mark has a wicked sense of humor, even with himself as the audience. As we were waiting in line, someone reached out and touched Mark from behind him. To no one in particular, and without looking at anyone, he said in a sing-song voice, "thank you for touching me!" I about fell apart. Hilarious.

So, Janae got her pic taken with Mark Lowry, but was too afraid of him to sit on his lap. Monica had to hold her.

All in all, a great night.


Karen Walden said...

That was very sweet of Mark to treat those boys so nice. Hopefully, everyone in line understood and weren't upset that the boys "cut" in front of them.

I have never seen Mark in concert alone but always cracked up at him at the Gaither concerts!

Last year at NQC, Jonathan and I got our picture taken with Mark!

Jonathan Walden said...

so....are you saying Monica sat on Mark's lap for Janae?

urhis said...

Sounds like a great evening. Give our best to the family.

By the way, I have a question about a Friends Church nearby could you email me your e-mail address.

Phillip & Cathy

John Myers said...

JDW, my wife's response to your comment was a very sarcastic "ha ha ha."

Trust me, she did not set on his lap. And, oh, the comments I could make about why she didn't.