Saturday, September 13, 2008

Shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!!!!

And, no, I am not being sarcastic.

According to this article, , Ray Boltz has come out of the closet.

Yes, as in THAT Ray Boltz, and yes, as in THAT closet. After 33 years of marriage, he has left his wife and embraced the homosexual lifestyle. Even more strange, his former WIFE has become a gay advocate. Huh???

God help us!


Anonymous said...

Wow, all I can think to say is, "Wow. . . SO sad!"

schoolarn said...

I am so diappointed to hear this. I really liked his music/lyrics. They had substance.

Julie Waggoner said...

How sad!

Danny,Liz,Becca,Ben, Abby and Caleb said...

I was absolutely disgusted to read this! We have several of his songs on our blog that will be deleted as soon as possible! The devil is no respector of persons...prowling about like a roaring lion..!

Anonymous said...

Hey John:

One more thing... I read the article where he said he had been fighting those feelings for over 30years, and in another article I read, he said, "God made me this way"...and I vehemently disagree!

Studies consistently show that when people are heavily involved in viewing pornography, nothing ever 'fully' satisfies their hunger. There always is the desire for something more, and eventually their behaviour gets more & more risque until they start experimenting with SSA.

I believe there ARE ppl who really do struggle with SSA, BUT, I believe FAR too many blame it on the way God made them, say they've struggled with it for years & years, instead of admitting the TRUE journey that led them down the path to this eventual destination.

My .02

Jody J said...

God made me an alcohlic; this is what makes me happy. I'm so much happier with myself since I have finally come to terms with the way God made me. I hate myself no longer. (obviously, tongue in cheek)
This really makes me sad.

The Grahams said...

This truly is sad. I wish that the church would take a more active role in addressing this issue so that men like Ray could receive help and restoration before they come to the point where they think that God is okay with sin.

Dan, I understand what you're saying but you don't account for the 6 year old boys who express attraction to other boys who've not been exposed to the life of sin you've described.
