Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am SICK of hearing about this!!

And now, Clay Aiken, to no ones surprise, has outed himself. As if...

Last night, I was cruising around the net, and I found this:

If you will scroll down a ways, you will find a face that you are familiar with. None other than Kirk Talley. Now, we all know what we found out about Kirk back in 2004. Yes, it really has been that long.

But, I would say that most of us have held out hope that Kirk was on the straight and narrow, pardon the pun. Not so, I am sad to say.

Open Door Community Church is a homosexual congregation. They make no secret of that fact. What I find to be so disgusting is the names of some of those that have sang or spoken there:

Joyce Martin - The Martins
Cynthia Clawson - CCM Artist, and sometime Gaither Artist
Kenny Bishop - Formerly of the Bishops
Tony Compolo
Jay Baker - Son of Jim and Tammy Fay
Lulu Roman - Hee Haw alum, and frequent Gaither video artist
And, the openly lesbian author of the song, "For those Tears I Died."

Now, what stinks about this is that Kirk has led most of us to believe that he is no longer involved in the "gay lifestyle." I had hope that that was true. I now very seriously doubt it.

Kirk shares to this congregation that he outed himself to his family in 1986. 22 years ago. When he was traveling with Roger and Debra as the Talley's.

Kirk also shares that his first concert after all of this news came out was at The Potter's House, another openly homosexual church. This does not lead one to believe that he has renounced the lifestyle as he has led us to believe.

Due to the circumstances of Kirks family not demanding that he leave the lifestyle, his sister has not spoken to the family since that year. How sad for everyone involved.

But, this begs the question: Did Roger and Debra know? And, if they did, why did they continue to sing with him?

My brother reminded me this afternoon that in or around 1986, the Talley's traveled for a while with out Kirk, citing some unknown "illness." Could it have been over this?

I know that that is merely speculation, but it does seem to be quite the coincidence.

Last night, I prayed for Kirk. God can deliver him. Kirk has to want to be delivered for this to happen.

Sadly, the "gay" agenda has infiltrated the church. Some are saying that their sin is no different than mine.

To that I say, "Mine ARE different. Mine are forgiven, and I am no longer living in them."

It is a sad day.


Leah J said...

SOOOO.. is it safe to assume you will not be attending the Kirk Talley concert on October 11 at the Gospel Barn????

Leah (Hirschy) Jones

The Grahams said...

John, Thanks for the link. I enjoyed hearing Kirk's testimony; I cried right here in my office.

What I heard was that he was willing to share his testimony with any who would have him. I notice his upcoming schedules include Baptist, Wesleyan and Presbyterian churches.

And while I heard him talk about disclosing his homosexual temptations back in 1986, I didn't hear anything of him acting on those temptations.

The sermon you cite is from 2006. My understanding from those who've been to recent concerts (and I've not had the opportunity) is that Kirk continues to profess victory in Christ over homosexual behavior.

It is my prayer (and I hope yours too) that if a friend in the faith came for support because of homosexual attraction and temptation, we would stand in the gap in the same way Kirk's true friends have supported him; not to encourage sinful behavior (as the church you cited certainly has) but to loving provide accountability and support as they wage war against the devil.


Jonathan Walden said...

Oh John, this is so depressing to me! I suppose the next thing you will say is that Elton John or Rosie O'Donnell are gay!