Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wedding Rings

I have been giving this a lot of thought. A lot of thought.

I think what we need to do is go back to Scripture. My opinion, your opinion, is not what matters. What matters is what the Word says.

So, here is what it says:

1 Peter 3

1Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

2While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

3Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

5For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves...

Let's look at the two key verses here. Verse 3, and verse 4.

Think of it it this way, Paul was telling us that there are two options, verse three, OR verse 4.

In other words, not this: outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel...

But rather, this: But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

It is an either/or proposition. Not both, but one or the other.

The only way that this makes sense is to take it literally. If the Bible says that our adornment should not be the wearing of gold, how then do we make an exception for a wedding ring? Is it not made of gold?

Now, an argument could be made that God allowed the folks in the Old Testament to wear jewelry, and there was no negative connotation connected with it. And, that would be correct.

I do not see that as a contradiction to my view on 1 Peter 3 in any way. How? What I see in chapter 3 is God showing us a new, better way.

There were things that God allowed in the OT that we would consider sin today. We all have a good idea as to what those were. But, in the New Testament, we find those things forbidden.

So, God allowed some things in the OT, but forbids them in the NT, and this is not in any way contradictory, or hypocritical. Among these things are the wearing of jewelry.

This is not an argument of culture. It is not an argument of being looked at as weird by the society we live in. If that is the case, then we should all just assimilate now, look like, dress like, talk like, walk like everyone around us.

A ring is not an antidote to infidelity. Many people have cheated while wearing a wedding ring.

It is not an antidote to being hit on by the opposite gender. Just because you might be wearing a wedding ring will NOT keep some members of the opposite gender from seeing you as a conquest. Some actually see it as a challenge.

I do not need a ring to have an outward symbol of an inward commitment. That is foolishness. I show in many other ways that I am committed to Monica. Anyone observing us for even a few minutes, if they paid attention, would see this. And, for that matter, I have never seen anyone with a ring on and had the thought flit through my brain that, "well, they sure are committed to each other." The sad fact is that with the divorce rate as high as it is, the ring no longer means anything of the sort, if it ever did.

Now, even IF all of these were true, even if you could prevent infidelity by wearing a ring, even if you could prohibit someone hitting on you by the wearing of it, even if it makes us more acceptable in our culture, even if it would prove that we are committed to one another, that does not make it OK to violate scripture.

So, can you justify the wearing of a wedding ring using to any of these arguments? In a word, no.

Someone made an important observation to me today. In this country, as this so called "gay marriage" become more prominent, the wedding ring is going to become less and less an indicator of anything. Think that one through.


Brandon Miller said...

I agree. Reading the scripture it means what is says and says what it means. We are not to change scripture. The wedding ring has been apart of our culture for many many many years. Yet, I feel from the scriputre part that it is wrong. Now from my feelings I agree with what John has to say about the cheating and gay marrige. I feel that it means nothing anymore other than well I married this person.

Now we are to have a relationship with Christ. We dont wear a ring to show our commitment to him do we. No, because we can mess up and go away from God and his ways. So then were gone from his commitment. Just like the marrige. Also the ring thing has become more of a pride issue or I have money issue as well. Rings cost alot alot of money unless your gonna be a cheap husband. That was to be funny by the way. Now were needing to keep in mind what God had intended for us when he told us not to wear Gold or to adorn ourselfs. He said a commitment is of the heart not of the finger or the gold or silver. The ring is usless more or less now in this time of day.

Peter said...

First, I agree you need to take it literal...so why didn't you. You went and added ring to the scripture. Then you go on and say it is wrong to wear a ring. So if it were made of titanium...that would be ok? And if this passage of scripture were to be taken literal..."or of putting on of apparel"...should our wives be without clothes as of right now. Of course not.
I believe you, as well as many others, are missing the whole meaning of this passage. It is simply saying let your adorning be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. As opposed to the outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel.
He's simply showing us a better way. Let us focus on the better way instead of building a doctrine on something that is not even in the Bible.

schoolarn said...

I can't agree with you on this one. You are adding to the Word. There is an inference that if one doesn't wear a wedding ring they may be more righteous or holy, since you're so surprised to see holiness people wearing wedding rings.

I must tell you that there is no holiness in any object on this earth, but only that we can be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. He is holy and by His GRACE we can be holy through his blood and His Spirit.

There is so much evil in this world that requires us to keep our guard up that can steal our hearts. In the Scripture you quoted we are being admonished to seek the most important thing that which is eternal and not to seek after the temporal.

I love you, but must disagree.

Serving Jesus in the valley of the sun said...
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Serving Jesus in the valley of the sun said...

I happend upon your blog tonight and with great interest started reading your post and responces.. I will try not to make this long but wanted to say a few things on these issues( this and prev post) I am not pointing fingers or saying I have scripture to back up this subject BUT I will say this.. When my husband and I were considered "none believers" because we wore wedding rings and I wore pants, cut my hair, wore makeup, got my nails done.. on and on... we were judged and put through the ringer by the VERY same people whome you look at their blog today and there they are with ALL of the stuff on that I had on but was gossiped about and pushed out yet was told they were "praying" for me.. All I can say is.. THANK GOD this is a PERSONAL walk... because if it was on what OTHERS had to say I would not be a conservative christian today. We no longer have our wedding bands on due to personal convictions.. BUT I will say it bothers me very much to see so many people CHANGING their ways... why is it that all of a sudden GOD has spoken to them and ENLIGHTEND them after so many years of them HARSHLY taking a stand against the very things they are doing today? Call this double standard.. but I wouldnt have a problem if they had ALWAYS had these ways VS just now doing it after taking such a stand.. I dont know if this makes since but anyway.. I just hope and pray we each can seek out what GOD wants for each of us and becareful with that lil member we call a tounge the next time a person wants to tell someone how to live.. make sure your making the commitment for life because if not. ur the one who looks like a fool....

Having said that.. it was nice to find you on here and on facebook to reconnect after all these years.. Glad to see you have not changed. THat encourages my heart