Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm back...

For the moment, at least.

I have been so very busy latley. Doing what? you ask.

For one, praying. Praying that God will intervene on behalf of our nation.

Praying that God will defeat the forces of darkness.

And, praying that God will see fit to keep Obama as far from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as possible.

Now, I am not, never have been, never will be a John McCain fan. But considering the alternative, I will gladly cast my vote for McCain/Palin.

Right now, I would take Hillary Clinton over Obama. I would rather have the known quantity of the Hildabeast than the unknow X factor of Obama.

God be merciful.


Jimmyton Biah said...

I appreciate how you have been debating with NMF on "my Holiness" about Obama. But I feel that NMF has been indoctrinated so deeply by the liberal garbage from College. I can hardly stomach reading anything that he or Andrew Graham writes. Not real sure why people like them waste their time on a conservative message board. Keep up the good work.

Jennifer said...

Right on jimmyton about NMF & Andrew Graham.....add to it, J'momma as well. The 3 of them spew forth enough nonsense to ruin any message board!!
I GUARANTEE you that if MH were to run a poll entitled, "Which posters get on your nerves the most?", the 3 of them would be right at the TOP!

I like your blog, John. I stumbled onto it from your sig line on your MH posts, and have enjoyed reading your views.

Keep it up!

Brent Waggoner said...

Oh, come on guys. I don't even get a cursory mention?

Also, have some guts and tell them to their faces. This is just backstabbing.